Second Monograph for Flute and Piano

Year composed: 2017

Duration: 7'

Every composer has at least one work they refuse to have published or documented. My hidden failure comes from my undergraduate studies and the first time writing for the woodwind family, a work called Monograph for Flute and Piano. The piece attempted to be atonal utilizing set theory—a technique I haven't used since. Though it received some praise from my teachers, I knew I'd have to take on a second chance with the flute if an opportunity presented itself. Thankfully, about six years later, I was asked by flutist DeShaun Gordon-King to write a piece for one of his recitals. By the time of his request, I had undergone additional training and was increasingly hopeful with new writing techniques. Writing the Second Monograph for Flute and Piano gave me closure and became a work I enjoy sharing.

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